What is OzOS and apt:foo?
OzOs is an elegant stable environment of beauty, specifically "The Reality Different". OzOS is built on Xubuntu or to be more exact a Debian base and utilizes the sexy Enlightenment 17 Desktop. This is a special version of e17 that is brought to you by the most discriminating e17 user: Rui Pais; with his precious time and Enlightenment knowledge, he has created a Distro that is OzOS. Rui's easy "e17 SVN Deb" was the founding blueprint for the OzOS Live CD(With Installer) RC.
Rui's e17 SVN Deb is the foundation of OzOS along with Xubuntu, this is further customized with Rui's OzOS-Desktop.
We welcome you to take a trip down the rabbit hole and free your mind and become apart of "The Reality Different".
apt:foo Master Page:
apt:foo is the realization of this "Reality Different" based in simplicity. If you are using OzOS, Debian, Ubuntu or any of their subsequent derivatives you can use the elegant easy apt:foo-ness found here.
To make it simple, you only need OzOS + Firefox + apt-get + apturl.
Simply navigate your way to the application desired and click on it's apt:foo link, the installation magic will began simply and easily.
The CafeLinux.org Team hopes that both OzOS & apt:foo brings to you hours of easy user pleasure, grounded in minimalism and simplicity. Our primary Developer Rui Pais from Lisboa-Portugal along with other CafeLinux.org Team members from the land of Oz & across the world hope to bring you back to the Earth and Enlightenment, grounded in simplicity.
Download OzOS Now:
:: Direct Download Links for 64bit OzOs Pre-Final Release 0.9 (7 November 2008)
ISO: http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os/iso/ozos-0.9-livecd-amd64.iso
Torrent: http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os/iso/ozos-0.9-livecd-amd64.iso.torrent
md5 check: http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os/iso/ozos-0.9-livecd-amd64.iso.md5sum
:: Direct Download Links for 32bit OzOs Version .09 (November 2008)
ISO: http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os/iso/ozos-0.9-livecd-i386.iso
Torrent: http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os/iso/ozos-0.9-livecd-i386.iso.torrent
md5 check: http://cafelinux.org/Downloads/oz-os/iso/ozos-0.9-livecd-i386.iso.md5sum
(Source: www.cafelinux.org/OzOs)